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Addiction Counseling

A Strict “No Use” Policy in Recovery Programs?

I’ve spent many years working with counselors and rescue mission staff members to assist them to more effectively help homeless addicts and alcoholics.   Whenever I speak on this topic, I am usually challenged for saying clients should be immediately dismissed from a program when they are discovered to have used alcohol or drugs.   So, I […]

Homelessness and Addiction Recovery

Every substance abuse counselor has probably at one time or another pointed to the “skid row bum” and said, “You don’t have to be like him to be an addict or alcoholic! ” While this type of person may represent only 5% of all addicts, Christians who are in recovery have a lot more in […]

Ready to Take the Social Media Plunge? How I Did It.

OK, maybe you’re like me. You’ve been told you need to do something with  social media  but simply don’t know where to start. Sure, I did a bit of flirting with social media. I contributed less-than-heartfelt blog postings for various organizations, I even had a “vanilla” profile on  LinkedIn  and a  Facebook  page with a few family photos. Worst of all, […]