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Addiction Counseling

Emotions and Addiction Recovery – Early Recovery

How do feelings affect the addict in the early stages of recovery? This second installment on the role of emotions in the recovery process will focus on the first 30-90 days of sobriety.   The truth is, most addicts return to drugs and drinking when sobriety becomes too stressful for them.   Therefore, teach them to deal […]

Emotions and Addiction Recovery – Grief

A.        Addicts are both victims and victimizers. Anyone who is addicted to drugs and alcohol leaves behind them a trail of destruction. This could include everything from harm done to loved ones – both physically and emotionally – as well as violence and criminal activity of all sorts in which many become involved. On […]

Education & Employment Readiness Programs

When I worked with the Association of Gospel Rescue Missions  as Director of Education, I gave seminars at the Education and Employment Track Annual Conference.   My topic was best practices regarding how educational and job readiness efforts relate to counseling and recovery program efforts.   Here are some of the thoughts I shared with those attending: A.       […]