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Addiction Counseling

Theology of Christian Recovery

The primary distinctives that differentiate Christian Recovery from other approaches to life change lie in our approach to spirituality. Here are some of the major theological tenants of the Christian approach to recovery. Recovery is truly Christian only if God is part of it. This God is not just a nebulous “Higher Power”, but rather […]

The Importance of Reconnecting

I have often been asked why the topic of “reconnecting” is such a common theme in my writings and addiction recovery training sessions.   To that I can answer, there’s no more disconnected people anywhere that the homeless addict.   By the time he finds himself on the streets, he has succeeded in burning every relational bridge […]

Helping the Homeless Who are Mentally Ill (Part 2)

This is the second installment on the topic of helping the homeless who are mentally ill. With a basic knowledge of the issues these people confront, knowledgable Christian workers can make a huge difference in their lives. A.       Understanding “Dual Diagnosis”  – Up to one-third of today’s homeless adults are mentally ill.   The trend toward “deinstitutionalization” […]